
As of August 2024, I am a postdoctoral fellow at the National Institute of Informatics (NII) in Tokyo working with Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi. I obtained my PhD (manuscript, slides) in June 2024 at Université Côte D'Azur (Nice), under the supervision of Frédéric Havet and Stéphane Bessy.
My main interests lie in combinatorics and theoretical computer science. In particular, I am interested in graph colouring, directed graphs, reconfiguration, extremal combinatorics and probabilistic methods applied to these areas.





During my PhD, I was teaching at IUT Université Côte D'Azur.

  • Introduction aux services réseaux, lecturer (20h), 2024.
  • Communication et fonctionnement bas niveau, lecturer (26h), 2024.
  • Méthodes d'optimisation pour l'aide à la décision, teaching assistant (12h), 2024.
  • Automates et langages, lecturer (6h), 2024.
  • Automates et langages, teaching assistant (12h), 2023.
  • Introduction à la programmation, teaching assistant (52h), 2023.
  • Qualité de développement, lecturer (36h), 2022.
  • Bases de données avancé, teaching assistant (28h), 2022.

Student supervision